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Другие действия

The Council, within the limits of the powers delegated to it by the Conference, acts as the Conference's executive organ between sessions. In particular, it exercises functions dealing with the world food and agriculture situation and related matters, current and prospective activities of the Organization, including its Programme of Work and Budget, administrative matters and financial management of the Organization and constitutional matters (Rule XXIV of the General Rules of the Organization)

The Council may establish Commissions, Committees and Working Parties under Article VI of the Constitution and approve, for submission to Member Nations, Agreements provided for under Article XIV.2 of the Constitution (Rule XXIV.4(a) and (b) of the General Rules of the Organization).

Date of Event: 24-28 April 2017

Event Holder: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Venue: Rome

Дата обновления:

See also

Africa Food Price - Sierra Leone
Africa Food Price - Guinea Bissau
Africa Food Price - United Republic of Tanzania