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Only for $39 we offer you:

  • Get more data on the topics you are interested in.

    Unlimited access to data and statistics on our site.

  • Find regional data for any country in the world quickly and conveniently.

    Local data from national statistical offices of all countries in the world in one language in one place.

  • Make the right decisions with the most accurate forecasts.

    We have chosen the best forecast sources for a variety of indicators for every country in the world.

  • Download fresh data for your models and calculations directly into Excel.

    Search, add and update data directly in Excel without routine copying and manipulation of data.

  • Impress your clients and partners with animated visualizations in presentations.

    You would be able to create presentations with animated visualizations and editable charts.

  • Discover the complete information about the data source.

    All necessary information about the sources for citing and quality assessment.

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