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HuffPost Pollster

HuffPost Pollster tracks thousands of public polls to give you the latest data on elections, political opinions and more. From its founding in 2006, HuffPost Pollster (originally Pollster.com) has aimed to report the results of every public poll in the United States that claims to provide a representative sample of the population or electorate. Criteria of including polls from new organization requires polls to meet all of the minimal disclosure requirements of the National Council on Public Polling.

Все наборы данных:  U
  • U
    • Ноябрь 2016
      Источник: HuffPost Pollster
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 08 ноября, 2016
      This dataset combines the latest opinion polls that offered Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton as the only named options. Some surveys offered respondents an "other" option. All polls included in the database meet all of the minimal disclosure requirements of the National Council on Public Polling. The required elements are:Sponsorship of the survey;Fieldwork provider (if applicable);Dates of interviewing;Sampling method employed (for example, random-digit dialed telephone sample, list-based telephone sample, area probability sample, probability mail sample, other probability sample, opt-in internet panel, non-probability convenience sample, use of any oversampling);Population that was sampled (for example, general population; registered voters; likely voters; or any specific population group defined by gender, race, age, occupation or any other characteristic);Size of the sample that serves as the primary basis of the survey report;Size and description of the subsample, if the survey report relies primarily on less than the total sample;Margin of sampling error (if a probability sample);Survey mode (for example, telephone/interviewer, telephone/automated, mail, internet, fax, e-mail);Complete wording and ordering of questions mentioned in or upon which the release is based;Percentage results of all questions reported.