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One of the Millennium Development Goals is to ensure environmental sustainability (Goal 7) which includes, among others, target to "halve, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation" (Target 7.C). Concerning access to safe drinking water, it actual value is 1% over the target value as of 2011. Specifically, 89% of the world's population is served with improved water representing the increase by 37% since 2000. What for sanitation, it would be harder to meet a target for improved sanitation coverage to be equal 78% by the end of 2015, since there is arrearage from the target by 8%, as of 2011. Namely, 64% of global population had improved sanitation facilities in 2011, so about 2.5 billion people still use unimproved sanitation. Out of this 2.5 billion people, 1 billion uses open defecation: decreased by 19% since 1990, this figure still represents nearly 15% of the world's population. Water management is also important in achieving the target of reducing biodiversity loss, that assumes monitoring such indicators as renewable internal freshwater resources per capita, annual freshwater withdrawals, marine protected areas. Access these and many other indicators on the Water topic through ready-for-use visualizations and datasets presented below.

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