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Другие действия

D1 - Population growth (annual %)
D2 - EU 27 - Total population, millions
D3 - EU 27 - Percentage of Rural Population
D4 - EU 27 - Percentage of Rural Population (UN forecast)
D5 - EU 27 - Rural Population by 2050, millions
D6 - Feed use of cereals (% of Domestic Production)
D7 - Wine - Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)
D8 - Household expenditures on food by selected countries, 2010
D9 - EU 27 - Trade balance, kt (for Biofuels in millions of litres)
D10 - Percent share in daily calorific intake
D11 -  EU meat consumption

Дата обновления:

See also

Presentation for Sec Matrix sb
Presentation for Sec Matrix sb05
Page for Sec Matrix sb03
presentation sec matrix sb04