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National Accounts Statistics database, maintained by the Economic Statistics Branch of the UN Statistics Division, contains analytical indicators and ratios derived from the main national accounts aggregates related to economic structure and development. It is the product of a global cooperation effort between the international statistical agencies and the national statistical services of more than 200 countries and is in accordance with the request of the Statistical Commission that the most recent available data on national accounts of as many countries and areas as possible be published and disseminated regularly.

On this page you can analyze the global GDP components, measured by expenditure and income approach, identify what drives economic growth globally and by country, explore countries' macroeconomic profiles

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World in 2020

Access and compare forecasts for more than 50 indicators related to a country’s economic, demographic, and energy futures from leading international institutions. Assess the historic quality of forecasts with our Forecast Accuracy Tracking Tool™ and select the most accurate forecast to support your analysis.

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